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Rum Creek Park Coordinator Profile

What should the top priorities of a youth athlete be?

The top priorities for youth athletes is safety, learning fundamentals, and having fun.

What are some Team Building Activities that you do?

Team building activity I love most is our opening season football pep rally. We have all teams come together and tailgate as a family and introduce all of the football and cheer teams. We invite guests, provide music and lots of fellowship among all of us.

What is your Program Philosophy?

My philosophy of our program is to encourage and support the optimal development of each child. Our program values diversity and inclusion of children and adults with varying skill levels and abilities.

What is your favorite youth sports memory?

My favorite youth sports memory was when I cheered for the football games under the big bright lights. We felt like all the fans can see and hear us and we had so much fun!

How do you motivate your participants (kids, coaches, parents)?

I love to talk with kids and encourage them do their best and have fun at all times. I also motivate parents and coaches by giving them a little nudge and asking them if everything is ok, and to letting them know we’re in this together. We Got This!

How can you have a productive coaching staff environment?

I believe a great way to have a productive coaching staff environment is by building a strong & supportive coaching program.  Give ongoing support, incorporate the values of respect and accountability. Provide coaches with feedback and always keeping coaches informed.

How would you describe a typical week of practice during the season? How are game days different?

A typical week of practice is walking and talking with parents in the park. Asking how things are going, asking if they need anything or just listening to any concerns or ideas they may have to better our programs. Game days are very similar.

What is your goal for your park?

My goals are to provide a safe, positive, and fun environment in which children learn many valuable life and sports skills in a fun atmosphere.